Friday, 31 August 2012

The Colour of Heaven

I  read a while ago that scientists had decided that pale turquoise was the colour of heaven.  This cheered me enormously because it is a great favourite of mine and I have used it all over my house.  In fact when I come to choosing a new colour scheme, which I am doing at the moment, I am teased - is it to be the colour of heaven?  Well yes it is actually and here are a few already in place -

 These are of my living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom and I haven't included my garden room or my new shower room which is one of the reasons I haven't posted for ages.  It was supposed to take two to three weeks but I think we are into the seventh week and the builder has gone on holiday!

The sting in this tale is that a few days later, those same scientists said that they had got it wrong and that BEIGE was actually the colour of heaven!  Ugh!