Thursday, 22 November 2012

Another great British Patchwork.

Following on from a wonderful American quilt, here is a fabulous unquilted patchwork coverlet, most probably English, but now in New York in the collection of the Metropolitan Musuem of Art.


here is the link if you want to zoom in on the fabrics.

What intriques me is what the museum says about it -  

Patchwork quilting is usually associated with America, but it also has a tradition in Europe, particularly in Germany and England. The number of differently patterned printed cottons used in this quilt top, ranging in date from the 1790s to the 1820s.

Now how can I say this without causing any offence, but Germany doesn't spring to my mind as a cradle of traditional patchwork and quilting?  Can anyone reading this fill this gap in my knowledge - I can't find much on Google? Could the Met. have got it wrong and meant Holland?

A Quilt for Thanksgiving.

As it's Thanksgiving, I thought I would celebrate with you all by showing this wonderful American quilt which I found on Stella Rubin's site -

Click here for the link.

It was made in Pennsylvania around 1860.  I just love Pennsylvanian quilts and other folk art items, they have an exuberance that reminds me of  Welsh folk art, but this isn't really surprising given it's long standing Welsh connection. This quilt however, isn't like any Welsh quilt I know but it does have tremendous exuberance!

I do wonder at the placement of some of the applique panels however?  I wonder why she didn't design the central block so that the basket was vertical and not tipped?  It would have looked so good with the flowers flowing out of a basket placed in the bottom corner?  Perhaps she didn't have such a pattern or had already made the block before deciding to put it in the centre of a quilt?  This isn't a criticism, I love these quirks and enjoy trying to work out the thinking behind them.

Here are some close ups -

I made some of  these ruched flowers once - I had forgotten the quilt - must look it out!

To my friends in the States - have a lovely time over the holiday!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Martha Edlin's Casket.

I haven't posted much on 17th Century British Embroidery but I absolutely love it and only wish I could afford one tiny piece, but it's mega bucks, so that's only a dream.

I recently found a video about this stupendous casket which is in the British Galleries (Room 56d, case 6) at the V&A. These galleries are an absolute must if you visit London and are interested in our decorative history - don't miss them!  They are full of the most glorious things but they take some time, make a day of it!

Here is the link to the video - I hope you enjoy it?

The panels forming these caskets were sold drawn in outline on silk or fine linen and the girls worked them in their chosen coloured silks, using different techniques and sometimes adding beads and spangles.  They were then made up into caskets, or mirrors etc., by professionals.  Prior to working such a masterpiece, the girls would have made smaller items culminating in a band sampler. Unusually Martha Edlin's are still with her casket which makes it a unique object.

You will see other things inside the box!  Enjoy!

Here is the link to the full band sampler.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Latest discovered patchwork coverlet

Lately I have been spending far too much time browsing online and pinning but good things do appear -

I found this on the Bonhams website which doesn't have a very good facility for saving pictures or pinning but if you click this link you will be able to zoom in and have a better look.

It was sold last year for £936 and it's obvious that they didn't know much about it as it is just described as -

A  very large early 19th century cotton chintz patchwork quilt featuring a Mariner's Compass and star centre surrounded by a deep border of hexagons, smaller Mariner's Compasses and diamonds, of cream cotton and printed cotton chintzes of many colours and designs, backed with bue cotton, 285 x 328cm.
It doesn't appear to be quilted and doesn't look in particularly good condition but what a tour de force?  I am always delighted to find one of these early patchworks and am facinated by the intricacy and marvel at how long it must have taken to make one.


Saturday, 3 November 2012

A Welsh Country Quilt

While browsing my pictures I came across this image -

I can't remember when I took it but it was on a visit to Jen's little Welsh cottage (see below) which is now her shop.  Isn't it the perfect setting for this unpretentious quilt?

These simple country quilts were made of large patchwork pieces quite quickly sewn together, but then came the long laborious but wonderful quilting that simply transformed it!  Just zoom in and examine the patterning.  I just love these quilts!

There's a great article about Jen and her quilts in the current edition of  HOMES AND ANTIQUES  magazine.  Follow the link and here.