Thursday, 24 January 2013

I so admire Emma Bridgewater

You will probably have guessed by now that I am a great admirer of Emma Bridgewater pottery. I am a collector of sorts, though compared to those I meet in the EB Chat Room on Facebook, I am a relative newcomer and my collection is meagre in comparison, though I am working on it!

Well for those who are a bit mystified by this pottery passion, Emma Bridgewater is a real person.  She is in her early 50s and began her business 25 years ago, because she simply couldn't find a suitable birthday present for her mother.

Many people dream of starting a business, they might even identify a gap in the market as Emma did, but how many go on to turn it into a successful and thriving business?  A tremendous amount of hard graft and dedication is required to build such a business and I really admire what she has achieved.  May I add that as well as all this, she has fitted in getting married and having four children.  The woman is a marvel!

 It is said that the secret to a happy marriage is to be a good picker and Emma made a wise choice when she married Matthew Rice.

Receiving honorary degrees -Emma and Matthew were recognised by Keele University for their 'enormous contribution to the ceramic industry of North Staffordshire and the local community'.

He is a multi-talented designer, illustrator and author and lately he has taken over the running of the business.  Emma is now involved in promotion and publicity - she is taking a bit of a break from the day to day grind and responsibility of running a successful ceramics factory.

I can't resist showing you a picture of Linsey  who is one of the senior spongers at the factory.  She is responsible for sponging many of the "specials" that are so sought after by collectors. Here she is with some of the pieces she did for the factory Open Day in 2011.  Her initials LG or LL (before she married) on the base of a piece of pottery is much appreciated and can add value.  Look out for the jug second on the left, second shelve down - I have that one in my collection - a unique piece of EB!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Miserable January

I hate admitting it,  but I'm feeling rather miserable at the moment.  A combination of things is causing it, the chief one being that one of my closest friends died at Christmas and I am bereft.

It also doesn't help that my workroom isn't yet finished after having its new floor take so long to dry out - did I mention the constant rain we have been having?   What else, oh yes, I have changed from a Pc to a Mac, Wilfred my tabby is having a nervous breakdown due to all the upheaval lately and causing me grief, my car has been playing up and I have a persistent cold.

The reason I'm telling  you all this is that I'm not thinking very creatively just now and this includes thoughts on something to blog about.

Well when in doubt turn to dressers, looking at them always cheers me up!

This was how William Yeoward's dresser used to look - he has changed it since!
A stand back view of the above dresser - don't you just love his jumbo check on the walls?
A close up of the dresser below - should swap the picture around but am having trouble with this Mac!
Dresser at the Pottery Museum, Stoke on Trent to celebrate 25 years of Emma Bridgewater.

How about this?  Lovely Cornishware!
Kate Dyson's dresser - lovely collection of blue/white?

This gigantic dresser was put together for the Blue and White Exhibition at the Victoria Museum, Bath in 2008.

I feel better now!  Hope you enjoy them too?

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

My Star

If you follow me on Pinterest you will see that I am  very fond of star quilts, especially the Lone Star pattern.  So to celebrate the New Year and also the fact that after days of torrential rain, the sun came out today and I could get into the garden and photograph my one and only large star quilt.

 It was made in 1985, the year Boris Becker won his first Wimbledon aged 17.  In fact I was hand piecing the central star while watching his progress through the championship.  It was such a magnificent achievement that I named the quilt Becker's Star in his honor.

The design was inspired by a Judy Martin quilt but I did change the size and the layout.  The colours are similar, though the fabrics are practically all Laura Ashley.