Sunday, 10 October 2010

Celebrating and commemorating in Wales

I no longer do embroidery - well only an occasional bit like a label or a centre for a quilt.  It's strange really,
it's almost as if my embroidery button has been switched off.  I am still a member of the Embroiderers' Guild so I am still in touch with that world but now I concentrate on making quilts and trying to quilt my patchwork  tops - I have about 20 in the queue, but I keep making new ones and the queue gets longer!

Before this happened I embroidered a sampler of our house to commemorate its 100th Birthday.  The whole street of 32 houses celebrated their houses' centenary by having a street party.  It's a lovely street to live in as there's still a community spirit and we are always ready to party!  We gained permission from the Council to close the road and for several hours we played host to some high profile guests, including our  MP and AM and other dignitaries. It was a joyful occasion with food, wine, music and lots of games for the children and we had a wonderful sunny day too!  Afterwards we erected a plaque on the end house to mark the occasion.

This is the top part of the sampler, I omitted the bottom part because it listed quite a few details which I didn't want on the Internet, but it started life as a band sampler and is in that style. For cat lovers, if you look you will see my black cat Frank trotting along the side path to the front door.  I always used to try and include him in my embroideries, as a little touch of black does wonders!

We are now carrying on pouring money into our houses to keep them up and running for another 100 years!

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