Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone

Well here we are at last, it's been a long time coming and this year it has been especially difficult to get to our Christmas destinations.  Some of us haven't managed it and are having to change our plans, me included.  But wherever you are reading this and I am constantly amazed where you are reading this, I wish you all the Christmas you were hoping for.

Here is another picture of my Welsh Teddy, Chuck, who was featured in an early post which has since disappeared, one of the mysteries of "Blogger".  I bought him from Jen Jones and he is made of old Welsh Blanket fabric.

Looking at this picture you will get a good look at the soles of his feet which, if I had thought about, I could have decorated!  Never mind, he joins me in wishing you all a Happy Christmas.


  1. Happy Christmas - hope you have a really enjoyable time, even if not quite as you had planned ! x

  2. Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Mary!

  3. I had no idea how little the quilt was. It is just my size, as I like to make doll size quilts. They can be hand quilted fairly quickly.
