Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Getting down to "Little Welsh Quilts"

 All the projects for this book have been done for months and most of the instructions have been written but now we are at the stage of pulling things together for publication.

Writing instructions is not my favourite task, as putting myself in the place of a beginner is difficult, but it is a discipline that one has to face up. Thankfully most of the little quilts in the book are simply constructed and depend on choice of fabric and quilting to add the je ne sais quoi!

One day last week (my editor, publisher and friend) came up from Devon and we got down to business.  Vivienne wanted more detail - tell how you actually decide what to quilt and where - how you place and construct your patterns - how you build up motifs and their surroundings ..... the list goes on!

 So here I am in my office with this pile of quilts in front of me, cudgelling my brain, trying to think myself back in time!

The book is scheduled for general  publication in September but we hope to have it ready and copies available for The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham this August.


  1. I shall look forward to purchasing a copy - An autographed one of course.
    Good luck with cudgeling the brain . To me it certainly seems to become harder to find the right words these days.
    Only eight weeks to our big trip across the pond may be some more inspiration will be found there.

    I went through Stow on the Wold again on Sunday, The wool quilt is till in the window.

  2. Thanks Sue. Regarding the Welsh Quilt at Stowe, I have spoken to them but they said that they are selling it for another dealer who won't be swayed on price or the fact that it is not a Crimea Quilt but a Welsh one! So an impasse!

  3. That's what I like to hear - author cudgeling! Good luck!

  4. It will be interesting to see what the editor says when the book grows by dozens of pages to explain everything she wants to know. Will she then want it all edited out?

  5. Good luck with the writing. I look forward to your book...most of all seeing the quilts! You are teasing us so with those photos!

  6. Your book is highly anticipated! I've heard that from idea to actual book is quite a process. It must be exciting for you!

  7. Hi Mary, thank you for your visit. I would like to say, that I understand what you are saying about the prices of the books, but both books are second hand and well used. I would not expect to pay more then 50p in a charity shop, if I could find them there! Because if it is not a rare book, that is what it comes down to. You migh be please to hear that a part of the same order still to arrive is a book by certain Mary Jenkins & Clare Claridge "Making Welsh Quilts", used second hand paperback, for which I am paying, what I consider a decent price, £14. When I lived in London, with a well paid job and nice book stores, I never had to consider buying second hand books. Now, living deep in the country and a lot smaller income, no shops for miles, all I can say is thanks for Amazon!

  8. Hi Beth D,
    Oh no, we wont be editing out any of the treasure! That's another benefit of ebooks - we're not worried about a few extra pages, because we're not paying for printing. It's just extra woman hours in editing and layout, and of course more work for Mary . . .

  9. Will this book be available in the U.S.?

  10. Yes it will - we couldn't do without the US market!

  11. I love Welsh quilts (I have one of your books) and I love small quilts. I glad that I found you so I will know when your book is finally published.

  12. Hi Mary,

    I look forward to your coming book. I understand this will be your third? I have several questions: What if any is the difference between the first and second eds. of Making Welsh Quilts? If none, I plan to buy the hardcover. I found a mention of you as the author of "Celebrating Welsh Quilts", but no information on exactly what is covered. Can you point me in the right direction? Do you know when we will see "Little Welsh Quilts" here in the states?



  13. Hi Maggie, There is no difference between the two editions but I like the hardcover best because of the endpapers!

    Regarding the book "Celebrating Welsh Quilts" - that's a long story. It was commissioned and posted on Amazon as some publishers do that before the book is written. In the interim, the publisher and I had "irreconcilable differences", so sadly it was never written.

  14. Sorry I didn't reply about my latest book. It will be coming out in September as and E-book, so will be available everywhere then. I will give you more news as soon as possible. I am still writing bits to be added in!
