Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The comfort of squares

I am fascinated by the "Dear Jane" phenomenon.  If you are unaware of it, quilters all over the world are making their own version of a quilt made by Jane A Stickle which is now in the Bennington Museum in Shaftsbury, Vermont.  These newer versions are known as "Baby Janes" and there are other sampler quilts such as "Nearly Insane" and "Sylvia's Bridal Quilt" which are also very popular.

I completely understand this.  Just looking at a photograph of this marvellous sampler quilt, made during the American Civil War, makes me itch to piece some small squares of patchwork and begin a long and absorbing journey.  It would be a long journey indeed because there are 225 blocks in this quilt!

I have always thought that there is something comforting about working with squares  They are such non threatening shapes, perhaps it is this that makes us feel safe and happy with them? 

After writing the above I thought that I had better check out this vague and entirely un-researched opinion with Google.  This is what I found - apparently square shapes suggest conformity, peacefulness, solidity, security and equality.  Wow, no wonder we enjoy making square blocks!


  1. I've always enjoyed making square blocks, and the smaller the better! I like 4" or so - and a bit hooked on the little klosjes blocks at the moment. They finish at 3" x

  2. I received your book 'Making Welsh Quilts' in the mail yesterday and I am in awe. What sweet treasures to see and to make. I can't wait to get started. Thanks.

  3. If you are planning to start a Dear Jane quilt yourself, please take a look at a group formed about two months ago to encourage and support the making of Baby Janes at the following address
    It is a trilingual (English/French/Dutch) group and you'd be very welcome!

  4. I am working on my right now. It has been very difficult to get all of them done. I am on the triangles now and I since I made the quilt smaller, I had to resize the triangles. I will have to take a look at the group as well! Steph
