Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Two Welsh Red and White quilts

Taryn of http://reproquiltlover.blogspot.com/2011/03/red-and-white-quilt-exhibit-bloggers.html
has asked us to show red and white quilts prior to the forthcoming exhibition in New York. (The above link to her blog will explain all.)

I don't own any yet, but I know someone who does!  Here are pictures of two -

I have shown the above one before but it it's worth another look I think?  

At first glance the basket quilt could be American or indeed it could be from the North of England, because baskets were a popular pattern there.  However, it is quilted in a typical Welsh way which declares its national identity.


  1. Oh, Mary....I'm so glad to have seen your baskets quilt! It is the same basket that is on my red & green quilt (I blogged about it on Dec 22, 2010). I haven't seen another basket like it, but it makes sense that it is from the North of England, as the former owner is from there! I love it in just red and white!

    I'm going to the exhibit in NYC; I'm so excited I could just burst!

  2. I love basket quilts and this one is just wonderful.
    I also love that they hung in an every day setting to be enjoyed.

  3. It is just amazing how many fabulous quilts you show us! I love them all.

  4. Mary is the first star quilt Welsh?

  5. Wonderful quilts! The Star quilt looks so much like one I own! Mine came from central Illinois in the center of the USA. You can see it on my blog karenquilt.blogspot.com

  6. I am amazed at how three similar star quilts "met" each other today. I love both but am particularly fond of baskets and yours is wonderful.

  7. Sue. It it is quilted with Welsh patterns. There was quite a bit of to-ing and fro-ing across the pond between Wales and Pennsylvania in the 19th century so patterns could have been exchanged or even tops brought home and quilted in Wales? However as there are now four quilts to my count it was obviously a popular pattern here. If only we knew?

  8. What stunning quilts! I`m really enjoying all the red and white quilts that people have posted!

  9. What makes it Welsh quilting? they are just beautiful, love your blog. I live in US but spend alot of time in my sewing room with the BBC

  10. Welsh quilting has very distinctive and intensive patterning. Usually with a large central motif surrounded by different sized geometic borders filled with spirals, leaves, hearts, paisley pears and other motifs very often based on circles or part circles such as fans or church windows.
