Wednesday, 6 July 2011

After a holiday - hard at work!

I have returned from my lovely holiday in the Peak District and have lots to tell.  The cottage we stayed in was as delightful as it's picture.  A true Georgian one, built in 1806 and beautifully restored, surrounded by wonderful countryside. A perfect place for active walkers but a bit wasted on us rather more sedate house and garden ramblers.

It had a rather scary Aga type cooker which we found really frightening and by the end of our week ended up eating a cold collation bought at the wonderful Chatsworth Farm Shop - even in deepest Derbyshire I can track down good ready made meals!  No doubt we would have got the hang of it eventually but it was quite an experience!

After the Lord Mayor's Show etc., now I have to get down to work and finish all the odds and ends for the BOOK which is being launched at the Festival of Quilts in August.  We still have to do some video inserts so I have to do some preparation for that.

The above picture is from the book - the easiest project - just to get started on the Welsh way of quilting.  Do you like my Welsh teddy which I bought at Jen's?  He's called Chuck - I don't know why, it just seemed appropriate at the time!


  1. That little quilt is very is Chuck, bowtie and all!

  2. Hi Mary,
    ;-)the one thing I covet in life (well there are quite a few really but this is a constant)is an Aga. Preferably a British Racing Green one but any colour will do. They are available here in Australia but I would have to sell my first born to afford even a teeny weeny one. I'm sorry to hear your Aga was a recalcitrant one LOL but I would have sat in front of it none the less and done some serious posing and really would have had to master that thing if it killed me. Looking forward to seeing your newest book, and Chuck is a cutey.
    Always enjoying your newsy blog,
    PS what colour was the Aga, details like that are important to me, sad I know.

  3. It was blue Margaret. Other guests had written about it in the Visitors' Book and one referred to it as "the dragon in the blue cupboard". It didn't half roar too - it was an oil powered one - dream on!

  4. mmmmm, maybe an oil fired one would dampen even my desire.The Dragon in the blue cupboard is funny.
    Thx M

  5. Lovely teddy and quilt but shouldn't he have a welsh name?? Maybe a middle name, then...

  6. Perhaps but Chuck came to mind first. It's a North Country endearment which was used in "Coronation Street" - my husband used it - he was a great Corrie fan.
