Saturday, 24 September 2011

More portraits

I was doing some online research connected to my current quilting project (see my other blog) and came across this self portrait by Rolinda Sharples -

I must say I hadn't heard of her before.  The name "Rolinda" is a new one on me and  I'm not too sure about "Sharples", which, because of it's Coronation Street association, sounds a bit down market!  However, I loved the portrait, so much so that I've ordered a print.  This says a lot for my reaction to it, as pictures, samplers and plates jostle for space on my walls!

She was born in Bath in 1793 and was just an infant when her family moved to New York in 1794. Her father, mother and three older brothers were artists and she too showed a talent for painting from an early age.  However, when her father died in 1811 she and her mother returned to this country and settled in Bristol, where she earned a living as an artist, painting in oils.  She died there in 1838 and some of her paintings are in the collection of Britol City Museum and Art Gallery.

Here is one she painted of Madam Catalini  -

When I saw the head dress, it reminded me of  Susan Fleetwood playing the the part of Lady Russell, Anne Elliot's godmother in my favourite version of  Jane Austen's "Persuasion".  Perhaps the costume designer saw this portrait?

Oh I love that version of "Persuasion" and I am going to shamelessly plug it again!  For those of you who haven't seen it yet, here's a link to a trailer -


  1. Thanks for your interest in my blog. I adit a translater. I'm not a writer, more a quilter ;-)

  2. Oh, I've seen this painting before, but did not know about the artist. Thank you for doing the research, and sharing! :)
    I love it!

    And I do agree with you about the head dress. Plug away...I LOVE this version of "Persuasion".:)
