Friday, 2 September 2011

My new blog - The Cottage Orne Quilt

This post is a blatant plug for my new blog  " The Cottage Orne Quilt" which I have just published somewhere in the ether - please visit me there?.  Here is the link

As you know I am a great admirer of the Sundial Coverlet in the collection of the Victoria & Albert Museum and ever since last summer when I saw it exhibited, I have been spasmodically working on a tribute project.   It is a long term commitment sandwiched between my other work.  I thought it was be good to do another blog about it so that it does not impinge on this one which I will still be doing as usual.

Over the years I have accumulated a  file of  photographs of this coverlet and have studied its details minutely.  I drafted and worked some blocks last Autumn but had to put it on hold while I worked on my Little Welsh Quilt ebook.  Now I am ready to begin again. It is a challenging project because the maker "MCB" was a very skilled piecer, much more skilled than I am,   However, it does one no harm to be humbled by someone who lived in the time of Jane Austen!  It was obviously an age of clever women!

I can't resist showing you this picture of Bella - I just happened to have my camera on my work bench bedside me!  She doesn't meow like any normal cat, so has to think of ways to attract attention - this is the latest way, sitting on my monitor and staring at me. I do have a have a slimline one (monitor not cat) but I haven't changed to it yet, I'm scared everything will disappear!


  1. Huzzah for your exciting new project! I am dead impressed, it looks like you'll be sewing tiny pieces for years.

    I'm also laughing at the Bella photo. It's clear who the boss is in your household!

    P.S. I try periodically, and I've cleared my cookies just in case, but I'm still getting an error message when I try to comment on that Gees Bend post.

    P.P.S. Nice shade of green on that cupboard, come to that. Kitchen? I've always dreamed of having a lovely green kitchen, whether it's the units or the walls.

  2. Bella looks so very sweet!
    That what an accomplishment!
    I'm off to check out your new blog.
    Best wishes on the new endeavor.

  3. Another blog on a very inspiring quilt. I look forward to your progress reports with great interest. Elaine G

  4. If your skills are not up to MCBs standards yet they will be by the time you have finished! Sounds like a fantastic idea - is anyone joining in with you?

    Bella - lives up to her name. My black/white cat is Saffy and waves a paw to Bella !
