Sunday, 4 December 2011

An early 19th century Cot Quilt

Again I am most grateful to the Needleprint blog which regularly features interesting textile items coming up for auction.  This quilt caught my eye -

According to the catalogue it's a George III Child's cot patchwork coverlet measuring 84 x 98 cms.  The  central hexagon is embroidered with "May thou be blessed sweetest babe 1808"   It has some staining but it's considered by the auction house to be in good condition for its age and is estimated at  £100-£150.

I love so many things about Georgian patchwork, the colours which are not so bright as Victorian, the interesting patterned fabrics and the traditional forms of stars, hexagons, etc. combined with applique.  I feel that it is truly British and I do wish that we did more of it here and weren't so taken up with blocks and quick techniques.  We have such a strong tradition to draw on but we seem obsessed with international trends and ignore our own.  I'm on my hobby horse again I know, but some ones got to say it!

This little quilt would be a perfect project for someone beginning patchwork and quilting and if I were still teaching I would re-design it slightly to make it a bit more interesting.  I think one of the borders could either have more stars and/or hexagons added or even be re-designed in another simple border pattern - I would consult Averil Colby for ideas. Then of course I would quilt it, as that would make it come alive!

A project like this one wouldn't be too intimidating for a beginner and would be a combination of hand piecing and some simple machining.  If I wasn't so bogged down with quilts that need finishing, I would be up and running!  Just think what a wonderful family heirloom it would make for a new baby?


  1. It's a beautiful quilt. Thanks for the tip on the other blog, it looks like a really good resource.

  2. I feel the same about this quilt, so simple and yet so eyecatching.
    Ihave some leftovers from a very early Makower reproduction fabric and will see how it works.....Greetings from Will V in Paris, under a little drizzle, and wind in the afternoon, so sewing is the word.....

  3. This is really a beautiful little quilt, so modest and simple, but also full of live! I especially like the little hexagon flowers in the cornerstones. I am sure Avril Colby would be the perfect mentor for you!

  4. Absolutely exquisite. Whatever happened to the sweet babe of 1808 I wonder.

  5. Hehehe Mary, you can't keep a good hobby horse down. I am beginning to see what you mean too - this quilt really appeals. Vivienne x

  6. I adore it just as it is. The fabrics, especially the blues, are what make it hard to capture in a reproduction - but I may have to give it a try.

  7. Very lovely old Welsh quilt...
    Been visiting this summer Wales and the Welsh Quilt Centre in Lampeter. It was stunning experience, like being in heaven... ;-)
    Bought some vintage scraps and was looking for a pattern for a little quilt for a special Welsh dear friend.
    Thank u for your story sharing. Think I found it.
    (by the way, found it on Pinteret.)
    Take care!
    (I am following you now...)
