Friday, 2 March 2012

A Daffodil Basket Quilt for St. David's Day

Yesterday was St. David's Day here in Wales.  It isn't a public holiday, though many think it should be, however, the schools celebrate with special events and the children dress in national costume - my neighbour's four year old looked so sweet in her outfit!  The rest of us usually have a bunch of Daffodils and perhaps tea with Welsh Cakes!

I celebrated by digging out my Daffodil basket quilt which I began (according to the label) in 1981 and finished in 1984 and I thought I made quilts quicker then!


Practically all the fabrics are from Wales, mostly Laura Ashley but the Daffodil fabric from a factory that used to print near where I live - I actually picked it out of their free remnant box!

I was in my green phase and wasn't into Welsh quilting.  Now when I look at it I think I might do a bit before I put the quilt away again, there's certainly some scope within the baskets.  The rest is quite intensively quilted but without much imagination - it needs a stamp of Welshness! 

This was made before the Trip Around the World quick technique was generally known here, so every piece was cut out and sewn separately.  But then, even if I had known about the quicker way, I doubt if I would have used it - I'm not into quick techniques!  It is my own design but heavily influenced by a quilt made by Joyce Blair on a cover of Quilters' Newsletter Magazine  - that used to be my bible!

We are having the most wonderful Spring weather here and this was the first time this year that I have been able to take pictures in the garden.  Sadly the forecasters are saying that rain is coming!

Oh - I have just heard that my Pansy quilt, which I showed on an earlier post, is going to be in the 2013 Quilters' Guild of the British Isles calendar!  That was also made in the eighties - so it's never too late for a bit of exposure! 


  1. The Daffodil quilt is lovely. I like the fussy cut blocks with little flowers in can't get that with quick strip-piecing methods! :o)

    And congratulations on your Pansy quilt being published in the calendar! That's so exciting!

  2. its a lovelly quilt...congratulations on being in the next callendar xx

  3. The quilting is beautiful and congrats on making the calendar.

  4. What a simply stunning quilt. Congrats on the calendar too. xx

  5. Mary I LOVE your daffodil basket quilt! You have achieved SO much... I have always wanted to make a quilt.. but the problem is I want to do so many things ! Blogging is my current obsession, and I am still trying to complete a knitting project! Thank You !
