Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Whatever turns you on!

I have just posted this picture on EB's Facebook page and I thought that I would share it with you all here -

My passion for clothes and shoes has long gone and though I still love bags and scarves, I can resist them - just.  What really turns me on is CHINA!  Buying it really cheers me up for days!

Yesterday I made my almost weekly pilgrimage to our local "Homesense" and there sitting alone on a shelf was the blue and white Spode teapot. I hesitated - I don't need another teapot but I do have lots of cups saucers, plates and jugs in b/w Spode!  Well I bought it!

When I plonked it down on my kitchen work top prior to its first wash, I was reminded of an article I had read a while ago by a well known interior decorator - he said that every room was improved by a touch of blue and white!  I think he's right, because the teapot seems to give the clutter in my kitchen corner a bit of zip - good result!

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