Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Dolly/teddy quilt and comments

I have given up on this  little doll quilt - I should really do much more quilting in the border and it grieves me to see it empty, but really, I am so fed up with this quilt!  You know how some quilts are easy and now and then you struggle - well this little quilt has been one of those!

I have photographed it with my 70's rag doll Jessamy.  The teddy was made by Nichola Dugmore who named her Kate.

I love teddy bears and still occasionally buy one though I try hard not to!  They are so difficult to resist, sitting on a shelf looking so appealing - I just love them!  This one was bought many years ago and is beautifully made with a little hand knitted dress - I had forgotten how sweet until I took these pictures!  

Now for comments!  Recently I have had great difficulty leaving comments on blogs. This seems to be the fault of Blogger as they have made the encrypted word that you have to type to prove that you are not a robot almost impossible to decipher and when you do, they reject it.  On several occasions I have given up entirely.  This is a shame for both readers and bloggers, because we bloggers love having comments, it helps the juices flow!.  I used to have a great many but I have noticed that they have fallen away of late which I find dispiriting.  I have now pressed the button to turn off this encrypted facility so please do try and leave a comment. 


  1. Love the colours, maybe you'll fall in love with it again later! Agree with you completely about passwords. Totally frustrating!
    Fran , from the deep south land of Tasmania

  2. This little quilt is so charming! I love 9 patches and the ticking border is sweet! Maybe you just need a break from it, and do more later on.

    I love the sampler on the wall, and yes, that little bear is sweet!

  3. Sorry you had trouble with the little quilt, it looks nice with your dolly and teddy. I really like the stitchery in the background, sweet subject matter. I know what you mean about the encrypted words, I have had to try again up to 6 times. It does make you want to give up. Happy stitching!

  4. Mary, your little quilt is adorable! I love the gray and beige together! Courage a few points in the border quilting! I hope you get this comment! .... friendship of France. Mamifleur

  5. Beautiful quilt and cute toys.

  6. I know what you mean Mary - I was thinking it was me getting senile and not being able to read the encrypted word! Love the teddies and dolls. Need an ebook on them . . V x

  7. Oh, I know exactly what you mean about teddies, I love them too! There is a whole row of them sitting on a shelf watching me right now :-) Some presents, some presents to myself :-), some I made myself, some charity shop finds (after a good bath), I love them all!

  8. Jassamy looks lovely with her little quilt... don't tell any one that it was a bear and no one will know :)

  9. Hi, Mary. Lovely little quilt and you have such marvelous "stuff"/collections as can be seen on your post about your house (hope the construction has ended by now). Also enjoyed the post on the Cosmati pavement, which is an astonishing piece of craftsmanship and design.
    By the way, I also took off the crazy word check for comments, but started getting spam. So I found out that you can refuse "anonymous" comments and that pretty much takes care of the disagreeable spam.
    best, nadia

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  12. love the little quilt, I've made many small ones to get me jump stated again when I have not made a quilt in a while...good place to keep my hand in at hand quilting too.
