Sunday, 16 December 2012

Wonderful Needlefelt Animals

I recently discovered the work of Jenny Barnett when, with my friends Jilly and Pauline, I visited the Heart Space Studio in Bristol.  This studio is the brainchild of Janet Haig, a wonderful embroiderer whose work I have admired for years.  Anything Janet sponsors is OK with me and Jenny Barnett teaches at the studio.  When we visited there were some of her things which we could buy! 

Jenny is a needle felt artist and sculptor  Having worked for many years in the ceramics industry designing signature pieces for Wedgwood, Coalport and Genisis fine arts, she changed from working with clay to working with wool fleece and cloth.

Here are some of her animals -

I have one of these bears!
This is Merlin, the Welsh Terrier!
Isn't this cat adorable?
Bad Mr. Fox!
 Mad March Hares!
As it's nearly Christmas I'll end on a festive note. 

Aren't they all delightful?