Saturday, 17 August 2013

The paintings of Valeraine Leblond

I bought a painting by the French artist, Valeraine Leblond way back in March when she had an exhibition at the Welsh Quilt Centre.  It has only just arrived as I was rather slow arranging delivery after the exhibition closed.

The above images are of the exhibition, Valeraine with Kaffe Fasset and Brandon Mably.  When I arrived most had little red stickers on them.  I am pleased with the one I bought, but this is the one I initially wanted but it was already sold -

Nevertheless I am delighted with my purchase and at the moment it is propped up on the windowsill opposite my desk and I can look up from my computer screen and enjoy it.

I love Valeraine's work.  She is French, but lives in West Wales, speaks Welsh and has two little children, so a busy lady!  I haven't met her, but I follow her Facebook page and assume that she lives in a cottage near the beach, because these idyllic ingredients are to be seen in all her paintings which are painted on wood, much of which she gathers from the sea shore.

I love the little cottages, particularly the little terraced ones.  Not sure that I could fit all my possessions into one of them, but I can but dream!  Of course I particularly like the ones with quilts! Here are some of my favourites -

Aren't they delightful?  West Wales is a lovely place, but I'm not sure it is as lovely as in these pictures.  There are no unsightly intrusions that are so necessary to everyday life, they just make you wish that you could live in this simple way, tending gardens, hanging out washing, feeding the chickens!  Ah well, back to the real world.


  1. Is the first picture the one you bought? It's lovely! I love that it has the sea in the back and sheep in the field....and a pink house....charming! Her work is lovely, with so much detail!

  2. Wauw, Mary, what a wonderfull paintings! I love it that she used wood to paint on!

  3. Thanks for sharing the work of this artist. Her works are charming. How lucky to be able to own one.

  4. Oh Mary, I love her work. I hope their is something left for me to but when I go to the museum of in the next few weeks.

  5. Hallo Mary,
    I just "discovered" Valeraine via Etsy a couple of weeks ago!
    I love them too.

  6. These are such charming paintings and so evocative of Wales. I love your blog and have found its highlighting of Welsh quilts an eye opener - they have an integrity and individuality that I only previously associated with quilts like those made by the Amish.
    I would love it if you looked at my blog which includes quilting and embroidery.
    With best wishes,
    Mary Addison

  7. I LOVE her work! Thanks so much for the introduction. How fortunate you are to own a piece!

  8. I love them all! Congratulations on your purchase! You can't go wrong with any of them in my opinion!

  9. I love Valeriane and her small idyllic world. Of course my favorite paintings are those with quilts too! All painted quilts are "real" Welsh ones, most of them being displayed in Jen Jones Welsh Quilt Center, Lampester.
    Thanks for all these nice pictures!
    Katell, France
