Sunday, 9 February 2014

Welsh Quilts and Pictures

One shouldn't wish one's life away but I am really looking forward to March!  February isn't the best month here in Wales as we are having terrible weather, but at least the bulbs are peeking through the waterlogged ground and it is the shortest month!

One event I am really anticipating with excitment is the opening of the new exhibition at the Jen Jones Quilt Centre in Lampeter!  This year there is a folk art theme and I know that some of my favourite quilts will be on show.  "Early to Bed, early Welsh Quilts with Janet Bolton" opens on March 7th.

I have only seen pictures of the quilts shown below, so it will be a treat to see them in reality and just to add to my joy, Valeriane Leblond is including some of them in her delightful paintings -


These will be on exhibition and for sale at the Centre from mid May to the end of June and as I am teaching there on the 16th May - so lots of temptation!

Since posting the above I have come across more images.  This is a picture of the reverse of the second quilt showing its wonderful quilting -

Another picture by Valeraine of a basket quilt which is a favourite of mine and which I have done a version of -

Below is the original quilt which is in the collection of Ceredigion Museum and my version, which looks a little lighter than it is because the picture was taken in bright sunlight!  I was going to add that "those were the days" but looking out on the garden from my desk at the moment the sun is shining brightly, but how long will it be until we are deluged yet again?


  1. Oh my! I would love to visit this exhibition. I live a 4 hour drive away so will try and organise a few overnight stays.
    Thank you for telling us about it.

  2. I have to go to this exhibition Mary and I wouldn't mind one of those paintings for sure.

  3. Thank you for showing these, for those of us so far away. Wow, I'd love to see them in person, though!

  4. Thank you Mary! Very nice message that makes you want to see the quilts and paintings Valériane Leblond.

  5. What a delight to see the quilts and paintings side by side. Thanks for sharing - I look forward to hearing more.

  6. Delightful quilts and paintings, thanks for sharing and have a nice stay in Lampeter! Would LOVE to attend your class...
    Amitiés de France

  7. I love that third quilt especially. Wonderful! Very lovely post.

  8. I hope they show these quilts at the show so you can see the quilting from the back. They look wonderful. I really like your version of the basket quilt, it looks like the quilt in the painting. Lovely post Mary!
