Sunday, 1 March 2015

St David's Day Greetings

St. David's Day!

It is a beautiful day here in Wales, sunny but with rather a cool breeze.  The earth is responding and I have snowdrops, crocus and the tiny Tête-á-Tête daffodils blooming in my garden and my Purple Prunus tree is in bud and read to pop!  It's a little bit late this year but when it does come it delights not only me but my neighbours too!  As it is in front of my bedroom window, for a couple of weeks I can lie in bed and look out into a mass of pale pink blossom!

I have just nipped outside to take this picture but didn't stay long as it hasn't warmed up yet!

Some of you have noticed that I having been posting for a while, all I can say is that I have just not been in the mood!  Also I was beginning to get dispirited by the lack of response! I know by my stats that lots read this blog, but so very few people leave comments, so I decided to do more on my Facebook page.  I will continue to write here and on my other blogs from time to time, but if you want to keep up with me I am on Facebook.  Do come over and take a look!

I am working on a link to my page but not having much luck so far but will keep trying!