The Cottage Orné Quilt

The Cottage Orné Quilt
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Thursday 14 June 2012

Let them eat cake.

I'm sure you are familiar with the now popular war time motto "Keep Calm and Carry On"?  I think the one most appropriate for the Jubilee should be "Keep Dry and Eat Cake" as this seemed to be the thing most of us were doing to keep going during the celebrations!  I know we did - we are still eating it, though some has gone in the freezer!

Here are just a few images to prove it -

This is now the end of any mention of the Jubilee as the bunting is now down and packed away - but what a wonderful time it was, despite the weather!


Diane-crewe said...

wonderful pictures xx

Phyllis said...

Great pics!
So cheerful!
I enjoyed so much of what we were able to see over here (The Netherlands) from your jubilee.
All in all, it was a great party you had over there!